Returns Policy

Returns Eligibility

What is your returns policy?

You have 30 days to return an item from the date that you received it. To be eligible for a return, your item must meet the following criteria:

Unused: Your item must be in an unused state and in the same condition that you received it.

Clean: Your item must be in a clean condition.

Packaging: Your item must be in the original packaging it was sent in.

Proof of Purchase: You must have valid proof of purchase, this can be a confirmation email or an order number.

Please email us at if you wish to return any items. We will issue you with a returns number and a returns address.

If items are not returned in a resalable condition we may deny your return or charge 10% re-stocking fee if we need to repackage or dispose of the items. 

What if I have items missing?

If you believe you are missing items, or have not received the full contents of the order you have placed, you must send us a photo of the packaging and contents within 3 days of receiving the goods, so that we can resolve this.

We must receive a photo of the items you have received, please send us this with your initial email to ensure the issue is dealt with swiftly.

Are there any exclusions?

We reserve the right to reject any returns for custom-sized and made-to-measure products as these are bespoke creations for each customer, and we may never be able to re-sell them.

What if my goods are damaged or faulty?

If you make a purchase online but find when you receive your purchase it is either faulty or damaged, then you have up to 30 days to return the goods from the date of purchase.

Please provide a photo of what you have received, along with the packaging it was sent in so we can investigate it. Please notify us and return it to us and receive a full refund.

Returns Process

How do I return my goods?

All returns must be requested via email at Without contacting us, we will not be able to provide you the returns address or give you a returns number to include with your package.

Please pack all the items you wish to return in a secure box or bag, ensuring all the products are in a clean and unused condition.

Full instructions on the returns number you must use will be provided via email, once the return has been approved.

Who pays for return shipping?

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Unfortunately, shipping costs are non­-refundable and only the goods will be refunded.

When will I get my refund?

Once we receive your item, we will notify you that we have received your returned item. We will then immediately inspect the product. Once the product has been inspected thoroughly, we will provide you with information on the status of your refund.

If your return is approved, we will initiate a refund using your original payment method.